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I wanted to write a post on being a good friend. In particular a good friend to someone going through a difficult time. That difficult time may be that your friend experienced loss, her husband is deployed, lost their job, or experiencing challenges in his or her marriage. I am in no way saying that I am the perfect friend. I am human and therefore I am flawed. I forget my friends birthdays, forget to text or call them, etc. Since my current challenge is my husband being deployed I thought I would write about my experience so far.

My husband has literally been gone for 1 week. 1 WEEK! & I officially think I am the biggest baby. This is our first deployment and it really stinks. You know what really stinks? Going everywhere and seeing all of these women with their husbands. Yeah... I miss my husband. I have so much respect for women who go through this difficult time. Can I tell you what has made this week great? FRIENDS. I am so blessed to have friends here that genuinly care about me and our son. My girlfriends have hung out with me EVERY day and even cooked me dinner. One of my friends husbands actually went out and got us ice cream. I attended a funeral this week and needed a babysitter. Unfortunately, my husband is gone and we live so far away from family so that was not an option. My friend offered so quickly and it made me so happy. Cheers to you friends. You rock!

If you know someone going through a difficult time please do not hesitate to text them, call them and hang out with them. They need you more than you know. Your company means so much. Invite them over for dinner, offer to watch their children, go over to their house and watch Netflix with them. Be a good friend in the good and the bad.

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Can I also add that God does not call us to just be good friends to people in our close group of friends? Branch out of your clique and reach out to others!

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