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Wonderfully pregnant

I see you, pregnant, waddling, tired. I know the feeling of trying to find something that fits in your closet while still trying to be fashionable. I see you walking by the non-pregnant women who look fabulous. Their bodies are beautiful and their clothes actually fit to perfection. I know what it is like to feel insecure next to those women. Especially around your significant other. I know the feeling of comparing yourself to every woman you see on social media while thinking you are a fat whale. (Even better, with ice cream in hand) I know the feeling of being so exhausted at night, the last thing you want to do is get active. (If you know what I mean)

Listen, this is my THIRD pregnancy. This is also my last. I went into this pregnancy thinking, I am going to enjoy every minute of it. I am not going to focus on my body changing because I know (having other children) that my body will go back to the way it was. For the most part.

The beginning is beautiful. Full of nausea and exhaustion but still totally beautiful. Your clothes still fit. You are so excited thinking if it will be a boy or a girl. Excitement surrounding telling family and friends.

The middle part is beautiful. You have a "little" bump. Most of your clothes still fit. You no longer look a little chubby to other people. You actually look pregnant. Your hair starts to get thicker. You are rocking that pregnant look! You find out if you are having a boy or girl. You focus on buying so many cute baby items. You have a little bit of energy back.

The end sucks. I'm sorry. It really does. It is still totally beautiful because you are about to give birth to a HUMAN and it's amazing. But, lets be real... this stage is not beautiful. At least to most women going through it. You are not sleeping because you have a watermelon attached to your stomach. None of your clothes fit. You see stretch marks all over the place. You are gassy, hemorrhoids, yeah not so pretty stuff happening there. Oh, and the best part? People's comments. "Are you having twins?" "You are about to pop!" Yeah yeah yeah, go away!

I am currently 33 weeks. Approaching the end. I am looking forward to getting back into pre-pregnancy shape. I am looking forward to no heart burn. I am looking forward to feeling confident again. I am looking forward to not being so emotional! The struggle is REAL.

Ladies, I am going through it. I am in the thick of it. Feeling so ugly and so huge. Something happened this evening that really made me feel so ugly. Comparison totally stole my joy. I even cried a little bit. (Because I am pregnant & emotional) I pulled my hormone crazy self together and put my baby boys to bed. Our oldest, Gideon told me I was beautiful and he loved me. Wow! Talk about feeling so loved by such a innocent soul. He doesn't see my clothes not fitting, he doesn't see the ugly parts of me.

I am here to tell you that you are freaking BEAUTIFUL! The pain emotionally and physically that women go through to make a child is incredible. No one will ever understand that struggle until they go through it. Pregnancy and being a mother is the most challenging yet rewarding miracle in this life. I am proud of you and I think you are beautiful. Your soul is beautiful! You are the strongest women I know!

Keep your head up, those 40 weeks really do go by so fast. It doesn't seem that way when you are going through it. Looking back, I hardly remember my pregnancies with our first two boys. Anytime you are feeling those feelings of insecurity, comparison, depression just remember how much of a freaking rock star you are. This stage is temporary and soon you will be holding that sweet baby in your arms!

Rather than focusing on our bodies in a negative way, focus on them being so amazing. Our bodies are wonderfully made by our creator. He chose US to be a mommy to our babies. What a honorable, beautiful gift we have been given!

To those who are reading this and are not pregnant. Give that pregnant woman a compliment! Like, a good one. Not a "WOW, you are huge" compliment. Be thoughtful in what you say. You do not realize the positive impact it will have on her!

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:14

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