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About me


Hi there! Thank you for visiting my blog! My name is Alexandra (Alex). I am married to the best husband a girl could ask for 10 years now. We have a crazy, passionate love story and I wouldn't trade it for the world. We have three precious boys, Gideon (almost 6), Isaiah (4) and Elijah (2). I am rocking that boy mom title hard and I am determined my role on this Earth is to make them into amazing, God fearing men. We also have a giant baby Cane Corso whose name is Hagrid.

I am passionate about my faith, family, friends, fashion, cooking, exploring Hawaii and figuring out lessons in life. I have experienced a rollercoaster of a life so far and I am convinced that God has been in every single moment of it. He is shaping and molding me into a God fearing, confident yet humble woman. I am far from perfect and I am so thankful for a Savior who doesn't care. He loves me right where I am. I am thankful for all of his answered prayers, even those answered with a no. I have been through so much in my life I feel like I am in my 50's at times. I am only 28 and if you were to have asked me 10 years ago what my life would be like now it would definitely not be this. I became a Christian 13 years ago and when I gave my life to Jesus I saw everything fall into place. I love my life and I thank God every day for all of the blessings he has given to me. 


A big part of our life is the military. Although we love our life outside of the military we cannot avoid our military life and all of the challenges it brings to our family. It can be extremely difficult at times but I am so thankful for the opportunity to live in Hawaii and meet some of the most genuine, loving people. I am super thankful for our Marine Corps Ohana and the love that they show us.

I am also a Sales Representative for Liberty Mutual Insurance here in Hawaii. I LOVE my job. I love meeting people from all over Hawaii and I am so thankful for a job that allows flexibility so I can be a present momma! Which is the most important job!



This is our journey. A journey in Paradise! 




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