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Risky Business

Let's be real- risks can be scary. Getting married, starting a business, buying a house. All scary things. Sometimes these risky decisions are necessary for you to advance in certain areas of your life. It can be scary and intimidating but I believe thats what God calls us to do. He also tells us to gain council in where we are wanting to be successful.

Proverbs 11:14 For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.

There are a lot of examples I can use when it comes to taking a financial risk. (MLM's, buying vs. renting, buying the latest clothes, purses, shoes, etc., cable, eating out all of the time, groceries)

MLM *Multi Level Marketing* Why am I talking about MLM's? There is A LOT of bad information out there and second, my business is a MLM company! Listen, if you want to work a 9-5 job for the rest of your life. Go for it! I sure don't. If there is even the slightest chance I become half as successful as some people I know doing MLM I will call that a WIN. If I do not become successful with doTERRA then I know I tried. I would rather try and fail then not try and never know. Can I also add the mom side of this? How awesome would it be to start making some really great income and be a stay-at-home mom? I love my son so much and I will do anything to make sure I get to spend every minute I can with him. Definitely worth taking a risk!

A friend sent me this a while back when I was thinking about signing up with doTERRA. I love this post, I had to share it!

Buying vs. Renting: We were so scared to buy a house here in Hawaii. The prices are outrageous, it was so far away from everything we knew, & we were using the VA loan. (100% financed) Definitely a risky decision. When we moved to Oahu we immediately started looking at houses. All we could afford were condos and townhouses. We about died when we saw what you could get for a half a million dollars. We prayed and prayed about it and we just knew this was worth the risk. We studied the real estate market here and it was amazing. One of the best places to buy in the United States.

Shopping: I am the FIRST to admit that this is my weakness. I LOVE me some clothes and purses and shoes. Don't get me started on Tory Burch. But when is it enough? I struggle with jealousy and insecurity. Having the latest clothes and purses and shoes definitely makes me feel confident. It is okay to treat yourself to nice things but when is it excessive? If you are spending money on those things rather than spending money on something that can bring you income or paying your bills, it's probably time to make a change. We need to be confident in Christ before the clothes and shoes and purses. Be confident in yourself without all of that. Spend your money on something that is actually going to bring more into your life.

The other risk I want to touch on is removing people from your life for your happiness. STOP looking at your old girlfriend or boyfriends Facebook or Instagram account. Seriously? Are you trying to be miserable? Stop living in the past. Move on! Especially if you are in a relationship. You will not be successful in your relationship if you are constantly looking at past relationships. Oh, and those friends that bring you down and talk negativity into your life. What? Find other friends! Trust me, that is definitely worth the risk. Can I also add a Christian POV? It is okay to remove yourself from people that are weighing you down. (Family included) This does not mean that you do not care about them and want the best for their life. But, at what point do you put your life first? Cutting ties are required to guard your heart. Sometimes it's necessary to cut those ties with people. It doesn't make you a bad person. I think a lot of times as Christians we feel like we have to be friends with everyone even those who are hurting us or are breaking down our spirit.

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers - Pslam 1:1

Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. - Proverbs 13:20

I have had to make some really difficult decisions to cut people out of my life that were hurting me. It was probably some of the hardest decisions I have had to make. I am so much happier without those peope and their opinions and hurtful words. There are friends out there that will treat you with love and support. You are worth it!

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